Pipeline Orientation
Welcome Employee!
This orientation includes trainings required for the PIPELINE division. If you being hired to work on the Railroad or DOT, please click HERE
Please complete each of the forms below. On your Orientation Documentation Sheet - document Signature, Date, and Doc #
The Doc # is posted at the end after you SUBMIT the form. Be sure to click all the way through the form.

(The New Hire Application form will ask you to provide basic information like your address, phone number, emergency contact, etc.)
Direct Deposit Authorization Form
(SPS offers paper checks or direct deposit. Use this form to provide information to our payroll department)
Employee Competency Report Reference Guidelines
(SPS Employees will be evaluated on competency within one week of hire. This form outlines what is expected)
(SPS is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and provides this form as an option to disclose certain statuses)
(Important information regarding an update to the DOT Testing Protocols)
(Information regarding SPS right to Stop Work at anytime. Please take your time and read through all the information)
SPS Employee Programs & Acknowledgements
Please click to download and read the 4 SPS policies:
Per Diem Policy - Fleet Safety Program - Drug, Alcohol, & Contraband Policy - the Employee Handbook.
Once you have obtained and read the pdf documents. Please click through each form to acknowledge it. Remember to document the DOC# on your sign-in sheet.
Drug Alcohol Contraband Acknowledgement
Pipeline Trainings
Trainings require you to watch YouTube videos and respond to questions regarding the material
YOU MUST ANSWER 100% of the questions correctly to pass these quizzes. If you receive less than 100%, look through the questions to see which ones you got wrong. If you need additional assistance, ask your SPS representative.
(Includes information regarding company history, general safety policies, and company policies)
(Gold Shovel is a program committed to preventing damage to underground facilities)
Crush/Pinch Point & Spotter Training
(Covered SPS policies regarding working in and around equipment)
Congratulations! You have completed the online portion of your orientation.
At this point your orientation sign-in sheet should have 13 filled out lines including date/signature/ and DOC #
Required forms can only be completed with paper copies.
Remaining forms include:
Federal Tax Form
State Tax Form
Disclosure and Authority to Release
Front Page Only of I9
DOT Background Authorization
Please follow up with your supervisor when it is safe to do so.